Panayiotis Kalorkoti

Berlin - A History 9, 2012
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Panayiotis Kalorkoti has long held a particular interest in Berlin because of its unique place in recent political and social history: the division of the city after World War II, the Berlin Wall and reunification in 1990.


Kalorkoti's first visit to Berlin in 1984 led to creation of two works - 'Berlin'; 'Berlin (East & West)'. A second visit in 1999 saw Berlin undergoing reconstruction following reunification. Kalorkoti's latest project follows a third stay at the end of 2011. The merger of East and West is the inspiration for a new and challenging body of work on the theme of 'Unity through Diversity'.


The Berlin Project has led to the creation of 20 new works, 10 watercolours and 10 acrylics, which are presented here for the first time.


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See also A Retrospective of Etchings and Screenprints 1978-89; Picture This: Imperial War Museum